Full Moon in Sagittarius

jupiter, the planet of luck, growth and expansion is still in harmony with neptune (the planet of inspiration and faith) as i've mentioned before, but these two big players are also coming into harmony with venus, the planet of love, money and beauty. this is called a grand trine; these three energies are flowing easily - with all three of these planets in water signs, you can expect to be sensitive to the pulls of love, instinct, inspiration, luck and success, and for these areas of your life to be emotionally fulfilling without much effort
the full moon in sagittarius tomorrow is a powerful moment of celebration - it isn't trying to teach us anything, except maybe how to accept the gifts and pleasures what we've earned. it's a good time to reap the rewards of the work you've done and tune into what you want to do next
this full moon has a kind of "fall in your lap" quality - good things will come without strings attached - but it also has the ability to open a doorway to even more abundance, if you're willing to walk through it; don't hesitate to ask for what you want
don't bother sitting with things that aren't serving you, it won't bring any benefits. turn your back on them, cut them away from you. throw yourself head-first into the things that fill your heart up instead. you don't need to analyze what isn't working anymore, it's time to cut it loose instead
sagittarius, the explorer, is encouraging you to tune into yourself and the universe to figure out what you need: spiritually, philosophically, eventually - to tune into your purpose and greatness, and to lean into it