Week of June 13th

this point in the lunar cycle leading up to the new moon in gemini is best for tying up loose ends, finishing projects, cutting ties and personal reflection
we’re about to come into a brief period of intensity where we’ll feel especially attuned and sensitive to what’s going on around us. keep in mind that this sensitivity can ultimately be a good thing - it will help you to heal, connect with others and uncover hidden truths - even if it feels like too much. take care of yourself as you need to
this week is going to be a good time to communicate openly, especially about your emotions. find opportunities to open up and express new ideas to those you trust. if a fear of vulnerability has been holding you back from expressing something related to romance, or your home, take the leap later in the week
suggestions for ways to make the most of the new moon
- make wishes
- reflect
- tune into any sensitivities you’re feeling
- meditate
- write down the dreams you have
- plant seeds
- cast spells
make time to think about duality, the inherent contrasts in all things and how they exist together in spite of them. what tensions keep coming up for you and how can they be reconciled? can they be reconciled, or do you need to change your perspective?
know that two opposing facts can be true at once. it’s okay if they don’t make sense, cant be reconciled or can’t be separated
talk to your friends about the tensions and areas of muddled confusion. make a list of things you can do to honour duality, to work through it and with it as it’s affecting you. add to the list as the weeks go on and new truths are revealed to you