Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse - Leo/Aquarius

This Friday at 4:25 PM EST, the full moon will peak in Aquarius.
Full moons are a time for the illumination of power struggles. Which parts of yourself are at each other's throats? Full moons, by nature, occur when the sun is opposite the moon - when the sun is staring its opposite energy in the face, and fully illuminating her.
This week, the sun is in Leo, at home. Radiating. The lion king, the creative force that takes centre stage. Everything will be okay if you do what Leo says - if you follow them, if you emulate them. Everyone, especially people with prominent Leo placements will feel this jolt right now.
Aquarius does things a little bit differently. Aquarius is aggressively individualistic, but not for accolades. Aquarius isn't trying to call attention to themselves and their ability to fix everything - they want you to look at the bigger picture, man. No - bigger than that. As far away from the examination of self as you can get, that's where Aquarius wants you.
The signs work for and against each other naturally - Leo cares so much about the people around them - this is why they rally their communities to take their lead - they care the most of anyone. This leaves them susceptible to interpersonal influence and manipulation. Aquarius has the distance and detachment from interpersonal issues - they're focused on the goal, whatever that is for them. They have a grand plan, they have a vision. The issue for Aquarius is that they can sometimes become so big-picture, so disconnected from their peers, that nobody cares what it is.
And so, Leo and Aquarius have to work together. Polar opposites, not believing in each others' influence, fundamentally needing each other. These opposites work are hard at work, against and alongside each other, within us right now.
This full moon, which comes within a square of fixed planets, will expose which areas of our life we're clinging to that are no longer serving us. Leo and Aquarius aren't just polar opposites - they're famously stubborn opposites. This square contains four fixed planets, famous for their stubbornness - this includes the Sun and Moon (in Leo and Aquarius) as well as Uranus and Jupiter (in Taurus and Scorpio).
The good news is that Uranus and Jupiter will have our backs here - but you have to have faith in them. Uranus promises to shake things up. It promises to fuck up whatever isn't working, to force us to find a new way - but it doesn't promise we'll like it. Jupiter promises to bring us to our greater goals, to offer us success, growth and expansion - but not necessarily on our terms. We have to be on the right path in order to reap the benefits of this full moon right now - if we aren't, it will lay the groundwork for us to reap the benefits later, if we can tap into our intuition and follow our path.
This full moon, reflect on areas of your life that are no longer working for you - things you're clinging to out of habit, or stubbornness. Write them down, and then write a plan for how to shift your focus for each.
Stop ruminating on things that upset you - unfollow your frenemies on instagram - take a break from your routine - be impulsive - if you're usually with people, stay home - if you're usually alone, reach out - if you usually think of your own path and goals, think of society's path and goals - if you usually think of others' well-being, address your own - if you usually think of your environment, think of your afterlife - if you're usually a harsh realist, think of dreams and opportunities - if you usually think of what could be, think of what is.