New Moon in Gemini - Organization and Resistance

On Wednesday at 15:42 PM EST, the New Moon will peak in Gemini.
The new moon is a good time to sit quietly and reflect, to make plans but hold them loosely. This is a dark moon - not everything is clear yet - there's still more that will come to light. Our minds will change and some of our plans will fail - we should work on them anyway. The process is a crucial part of the whole.
After electing a Conservative majority government this past week with the province's highest voter turnout since 1999, we're polarized. We're angry and scared. Gemini's new moon is going to cast us into helpful shadows where we can untangle and explore what this means for us.
With the Sun, Moon and Mercury being briefly conjunct in Gemini (before Mercury moves into Cancer on Wednesday), we'll have a heightened ability to work through our feelings, how they affect our daily life and how we can make them work for us. This is a good time to sit down and think about what this will look like moving forward, but it's a better time to talk about it. Meet up with a friend, or a few - talk about feelings, strategies, how to best support each other and how to build resistance in the face of a government that is likely to fail so many of us.
Gemini will force us to confront uncomfortable dualities. This is a process we need to engage in; we will need to acknowledge the uncomfortable tensions and contrasts in order to move forward. Who are we engaging with? What are our motivations? What are our goals and how can we achieve them?
We care about the people who will be negatively affected by this government - how can we make things better for them? We are furious with the people who chose this for us - the people who voted for a Premier with no platform and the people who didn't vote at all. How can we keep our government and peers accountable?
We want to build support systems for ourselves and our peers, as well as work towards change. Our challenge will lie in how we distribute these energies. Both are vital.
It's difficult to communicate in an environment that's polarized and emotionally charged. We've all constructed arguments, stories, ways of communicating to get our point across. Before someone with an opposing opinion has finished their sentence, we've already begun to build our rebuttal.
Under this new moon we can examine the ways in which we're engaging with each other, especially those we deem our opposites, our opponents. Are we communicating effectively, both with the people we agree with and the people we don't?
Gemini tells us to communicate, to get our point across, to argue, to ask why, to wonder how things got to be this way. Gemini wants to pick things apart - under its influence, we can sometimes get so wrapped up in communicating that we forget to make a point. The new moon tells us to make the most of these urges, but quietly - with people we trust. It tells us to work through this energy internally, first and foremost, before we move on to action.
Right now is a moment for quiet abundance. Think big-picture, think outside the box. Make wishes. Work with the people around you, uplift each other and believe you can make a difference.
How can we support each other, not only to keep ourselves and our loved ones from harm, but to empower each other to be even better? How can we built communities that are anti-fragile, whose resilience we can rely on and draw from?
Once Mercury opposes Saturn on Friday, we'll want to put these thoughts and concepts of abundance, hope, organization and resistance into concrete plans. The new moon is the beginning, the deconstruction, the acknowledgement, the time to wish and cast spells.
Consistency and quiet perseverance is what will help us accomplish our goals. This opposition will require us to work within our limitations to accomplish what needs to be done - we have to work now to find our abundance so we can proceed to channel it within realistic boundaries.